Don't Spy EU


Cyprus 🇨🇾 and Malta 🇲🇹 are not shown in the map, but they're still featured in our face database.

Why simulating RBI

What’s wrong with RBI?

⚠ Keep in mind that…

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Registered Politicians

Scanning politicians’ faces – EU interactive map

European politicians’ faces, along with their personal information and AI-determined age/gender/emotional state, will be displayed after you browse our interactive map, select a country and click on it. To upload new faces, follow the instructions at the bottom of this page .

Why simulating RBI?

Ready to see what RBI (Remote Biometric Identification) would do, if ever applied to your country’s politicians’ faces?

We picked some of the most prominent political figures in all EU Member States (up to 5 ministers/national representatives), and ran an open-source RBI face recognition algorithm on them.

Why? Because many of them are currently involved in the EU Artificial Intelligence Act’s negotiations (trialogues) and their vote could drastically alter the course of how AI is regulated and used.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial that they understand the harms and implications of RBI technology.

What’s wrong with RBI?

An RBI-free Europe is still a mirage, since the proposed version of the AI Act fails to call for a comprehensive ban on biometry. Indeed, invasive AI policing is admitted, which undermines the citizens’ right to privacy and could lead to discrimination and abuse of power.

Migrants at the EU border also run the risk of being discriminated against/wrongfully detained by border agencies and authorities, since the AI Act does not explicitly prohibit biometric surveillance in those instances.

Let’s make pro-RBI legislators change their mind on AI surveillance.

Before proceeding, please make sure you read our “ About ” section detailing Don’t Spy EU’s main scope and motives.

⚠ Keep in mind that…

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We can only accept pictures with faces that belong to politicians already registered in our database.

Don’t Spy EU – Database

Below are all the European politicians’ faces & info we’ve managed to collect and insert in our database. Each country can feature a maximum of five politicians, but you’ll notice some countries only have 1 or 2 politicians.

You can help us build a more complete database, if you want. We are looking for the following roles: Prime Minister, AI Act Gov. Representative, Minister of Justice, Internal Affairs Minister, and Minister of Defense. To add new politicians, keep scrolling.